When I play I like to run wide open as fast as I can go so I see a lot of the GAME and truly feel that I am being treated unfairly by you the GAME provider I would go a hard and delete the GAME but I really liked playing when it was fair too me ! Here’s one more thing I have noticed the gold long site bottles are not giving me the full time that I have worked really hard to get why is this happening? I need the long site to run fast the way I like so it is quite a bad thing to do to player ! All I am asking for is a fair playing field you know to not be single out and treated badly. That seems like dirty pool for the provider of a GAME to do. Why is it that I used to kill with a head on all the time you know smaller worms now I die every time I try it why did you guys take that away from me? Why are you guys dropping worms in front of me all the time I’m battling just seems like you do this with one intention and that’s too get me killed.