Use jump attacks, charged R2 attacks and the Lion's Claw weapon art to stagger bosses quickly. For defense and poise, use heavy armor (choice of armor may vary, but the armor listed above offers solid stats). Greatsword Playstyle: Using this weapon favors two-handing the Greatsword and leveling strength as far as you are willing to go. ・The Mimic Tear copies the player's equipment, spells, and consumables when summoned (except for Flasks) ・Very agile and aggressive, Tiche's attacks reduces the maximum HP of enemies and bosses However, this weapon will eventually be outclassed in the late game by other Strength weapons.īest Late Game Strength Builds Level 150 Strength Builds Total Stats This makes this a very good early game weapon and its long reach and sweeping attacks can take out groups of enemies that are clumped together. However, its skill, Oath of Vengeance, makes up for its rather low scaling by temporarily raising all attributes and Poise. Grafted Blade Greatsword Playstyle: Using this weapon favors two-handing it and it has an C scaling in Strength when not upgraded. A shield can also be used in the offhand to have protection while attacking, though heavier shields will require more points in Endurance.

Lance Playstyle: Using this weapon favors two-handing it and it has an A scaling in Strength when infused with the Heavy attribute. However, its range is shorter than a greatsword, and will require more up-close combat. Jumping R2s will stagger or outright one-shot many early game enemies, especially when buffed with Barbaric Roar. Weaponīrick Hammer Playstyle: Using this weapon favors two-handing it and it has a B scaling in Strength even when not upgraded.

Putting Bloodhound's Step on the weapon will give mobility, but the Ash of War is up to player discretion. Jumping R2s will stagger or outright one-shot many early game enemies. Greatsword Playstyle: Using this weapon favors two-handing it and it has a C scalling in Strength.

・Naturally tanky, the Jellyfish's attacks also inflict Poison buildup on enemies ・They will continously revive if they are not killed while resurrecting Talismans are flexible and based on player preference. Best Early Game Strength Builds Level 50 Strength Build Total Stats